Reframing Leave & Accommodations

COVID-19 has put a spotlight on leave and disability programs and policies that weren't fully fleshed out.The FFCRA further prompted many employers to take another look at their leave programs and accommodations. That's not to mention that disability plans are likely to be affected from a cost perspective as well. Fill out the form above to learn from our experts on best practices, trends and tips around disability and absence in a COVID world. We'll be tapping into our proprietary survey data to give you benchmarks and real-time information on employer decisions.

It's okay in 2020 to realize that this was a challenging time and we need to make extra allowances. But it's important to be forward-thinking, not to just think about 2020 but also think about 2021 and beyond. There are a lot of levers when we think about time off, so if there's a change you want to examine in the coming years, definitely start the conversation sooner rather than later.

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